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The environment variables added in the Gihub action are not recognized

To solve the problem, you need to add the name of the environment variable to the jobs


The step prompt for submitting code in GitHub Action indicates that you have no permissions

**Error: **Error: Pushing to <u></u>
[56] ( Permission to ftyszyx/myblog.git denied to github-actions[bot].

Suspicion is a permission issue,

View the Permision documentation:

Added permision:

There are new errors

error: failed to push some refs to '<u></u>'

Knowing the reason, I made two submissions,

Cause exceptions, merge into one commit, and that's it

How to get rid of pages build and deployment

Pages is available on Github. A workflow is automatically added

I want to customize this process, choose this

Then delete all the run logs on the right side of the workflow

This workflow is gone, and the world is quiet!

## I found that the cover image could not be found during preview

After looking at the build result, there is indeed no picture in the cover

Because the image in the cover is written in the VitePress Page Meta

It's possible that vitepress thinks that the resources here are invalid and should only be in plain text


The solution is to put the picture in (not so good)

Add a hook to the build end and copy the past yourself

buildEnd: async (siteconfig) => {
    const coverurls: string[] = await createContentLoader("/*.md", {
      excerpt: true,
      includeSrc: false,
      render: false,
      transform: (rawData) => {
        return rawData
          .filter(({ frontmatter }) => frontmatter.cover)
          .map(({ frontmatter }) => {
            return frontmatter.cover;
    coverurls.forEach((item) => {
      const picpath = path.join(siteconfig.root, item);
      const picfile_name = path.basename(picpath);
      const destpath = path.join(
       console.log("write", picpath, destpath);
      copyFileSync(picpath, destpath);


After GitHub is deployed, the webpage is displayed abnormally because the base path is incorrect

Because the github page URL is

So the baseurl needs to be modified

There is also a problem that after this basepath is modified, VitePress will not handle the link to the cover

Vitepress has an interface to get the base in a web page

# 2024/3/28

The page style is too ugly and needs to be adjusted

In particular, the siderbar is too wide and the content is too narrow

VitePress in-house support

Add comments

To implement it with Artalk, you need to build your own server


Multi-language support

After all, it's for showing yourself, or you still have to add English,

The English language can be machine-generated, and the framework refers to the official one.

To start with a reference software, I often use a plugin: Immersive Translation

He used google translate and it worked okay

Find the relevant gogole translation npm library with this library

But free Google Translate has limitations

If the number of prompts is limited and you need to use a proxy, there are free proxies here

It's too troublesome, change the micro software

Added click stats

Increase browsing statistics

(There was one that could record the whole process of the user before)

How to synchronize to the official account

How cloude page

If the picture becomes the address in the picture bed

Will there be a problem

There is an advantage to changing the image address to an absolute link, yes